What is Fundi?

Incentive Layer for Secure Network of Smart Contracts

Fundi is an open verifiable network of digital keys that tokenize validators and protocols to mint smart contracts and assets. These customizable contract keys adhere to a new NFT standard designed to facilitate seamless ownership transfer, making them verifiable by Fundi users and incentivized for security. Fundi validators, protocols, and factories can be monetized with any ERC20 cryptocurrency for minting contracts/assets, with 100% of the proceeds claimable by the owner.

Why Fundi ?

Network of tokenized businesses, protocols, and assets that offer trust minimal solutions
Standard for tokenizing any smart contract on chain quickly and securely
Great tokenomics provides incentive layer to build, monetize, and grow network with secure innovative ideas
Protocol governance that incentizes secure contracts for a better user experience

Get Started with Fundi on Ethereum Sepolia

Try or create your first tokenized smart contract on Ethereum Sepolia, Funds 4 You - powered by Fundi. If you are ready to tokenize your custom smart contract or protocol, join the movement that is shaping the future for digital agreements and contact us to get started!

Fundi Mainnet

Coming Q4 2024


Mint a Fundi Validator, Protocol, or Factory key and monetize your vision with any ERC20

Govern Fundi

Fundi Holders govern Fundi by verifying secure validators, protocols, and smart contracts while flagging unsecure ones

Claim Rewards

Claim Validator, Protocol, and Factory earnings and stake Fundi tokens to receive between 5-40% rewards voted by users

Shop Contracts

Buy or sell Fundi Validators, Protocols, Factories, and smart contract keys through most NFT Marketplaces

Developer Early Access

Monetize, tokenize, and own your idea early on Ethereum and Base Sepolia with our Fundi Factory Starter Kit before go live on Mainnet